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Online Dating is a phenomenon, which has finally started to make space in the India arena. For long, the idea of casual dating has been shunned by Indians, owing to the prevalent culture wherein it is only the long term relationships that receive validation from the society. However, the youth now seems to be well prepared to break these shackles and explore a whole new world of better, vaster possibilities. That being said, considering the basic mind-set of the tier 2 and tier 3 audiences, many a dating apps in the nation have chosen to be called relationships app, wherein their ulterior motive is to help people find the love of their lives, rather than just a casual date! The list below is in particular order of importance ascending or descending. Tinder Known to be one of the most famous dating apps across the world, Tinder has only recently entered the Indian arena. Its algorithm, which can also be inarguably called its unique selling proposition is that the app has the ability to connect you with a person in less than a minute. With some stunning features like mutual friends, the super-like option, etc. On the other hand, the varied options that the app offers in a bid to give you a perfectly personalised dating experience is what sets it apart. Moreover, you can manage your search results on the basis of factors such as age, or distance.