4 Tips on How to Tell if Your Man has Mommy Issues
Our daddies play a crucial part in our life. No matter how strong or amazing or tough your mother is, you always need your daddy, she can never fill up those big shoes. A mother cannot be a father and a father cannot be a mother. Those two are very different roles. Growing up with a father who is completely opposite of an ideal father, who is selfish to his needs, who has never been there for you, who has never treated your mother the way she deserves, who has never rode you on his back like his princess or made you feel secured enough, or has never protected you enough, makes you not only vulnerable, but really destroys your emotional backbone.
Jun 17, · Can’t I Just Watch Netflix And Paint My Nails – Dating With Trust Issues 17 Sunday Jun Posted by tessaryanwrites in Dating After A Breakup, Love Letters, Love Story, Post Breakup, Romance, Starting To Date, Tessa Ryan, Trust Issues, UnsentLetters, You’ve Got Mail, Zodiac signs.
I was very insecure. I ended many promising relationships because of my insecurity. In my mind, it felt easier for me to end it before they did. Walking away rather than risking the heartbreak of rejection was how I justified my behavior to myself. But after awhile, as I grew emotionally, I began to realize that I wanted and needed the comfort and support of long-term relationships. So what did I do, and what can you do if insecurity is damaging your relationships?
You need to understand that a good relationship is about sharing ideas and enjoyable moments with another, to help each other grow in healthy ways, both together socially and as individuals. If someone really does treat you poorly or lies and cheats you out of something, feeling insecure is a natural and reasonable response. Stop trying to read minds.