Chance News 69
Cookie Policy. How Online Dating is Threatening Monogamy ,” explores technology phenomenon of online dating and the threat it poses to monogamy. Slater claims that such a technology online dating scene has made alexis dating aware of all the “options” available with the simple click of button, rendering us indifferent and noncommittal.
Alexis Madrigal has already administered a takedown of Slater’s central assertion that online dating has turned plugged-in yuppies into.
Disinformation was so prevalent during the campaign that, as Alexis Madrigal points out in The Atlantic, even the Pope talked about fake news. The internet was supposed to make political ads more, not less, transparent. In fact, the Supreme Court majority invoked the internet in its Citizens United decision removing limits on corporate and union spending on political advertising, writing:. Digital Policy. Politics and Government. Civil Society.
But in a cruel irony, the internet itself became a means for undermining existing disclosure laws. Rules developed over decades required that all political ads disclose who paid for the ad and that TV stations make information on sponsors publicly available. But the FEC allowed big donors to evade these rules if they advertise on the internet.
TV and radio stations are required to disclose who pays for content. These rules date back to the payola scandals when music producers paid off disc jockeys to play their artists. Sites that pretend to be independent news organizations—but with none of the practices of traditional independent media—run inflammatory advocacy stories geared to provoke likes and shares to rise on the lists of trending stories.