Dads: What to Do When Your Daughter Rebels
Finding yourself in a committed relationship is difficult enough but when it has to do with a single parent the stake increases, single parenthood on either side can be challenging in a budding relationship. While knowing what to do and how to manage the situation without losing yourself is another thing altogether. A Father and his daughter A father and his daughter Source Reasons for single fatherhood Divorce There are many reasons an eligible man with an amiable personality, nice manners and great job becomes a single parent, the situation could have come about because of divorce.
Top Mini Family Vacations for Single Dads to Take their Kids. Dadvice: Wisdom for Single Fathers Raising Kids. 6 Tips for Raising Daughters as a Single Dad (Without Going Crazy) The 5 Rules for Dating as a Single Dad. The New Single Dad Guide: Surviving Life as a Newly Single Father He blogs about parenting issues, struggling to make ends.
To the single dad who goes out dating can be complicated affair. Every single dad who goes out dating dreads telling a new woman that they have young children at home. Why it is that women are hesitant to date a single dad? Just what exactly is it that puts women off dating a single dad? Many women are simply reluctant to sacrifice their own freedom or career while others are simply unable to imagine themselves as mothers or stepmothers. She does want kids but wants them to be her own Even if your date does possess motherly instincts, this does not mean that she is ready to take on a ready-made family.