Daily Life
Your task is to train girls and make money by selling them to your clients. Customize your characters, upgrade your surrounding and girls as soon as you get some free money to earn more. Your decisions may lead or mislead to certain characters and interactions with them. As usually in this type of games you’ll see a lot of pornographic images and videos.
Bahkan Yuri pernah melakukan sendiri saat GG Tour dan di acara yang lain. Minho merangkul Yuri. Itu bukan hal yang biasa, ketika seorang Hoobae merangkul Sunbaenya. Tentang pacar Yuri itu akan terungkap pada acara “Dating Alone” tanggal 28 Maret
This article, from early this month, tries to get at the heart of the issue. This story, however, is ongoing and many details may continue to be revealed. Even for minor cases, its good to take measure of the gains and losses. You have to verify who has been falsely accused, and who is the real victim. Did she leave, or did they tell her to leave? Did the other members want to lose her?
Rather than dealing with the nature of the event, we are making an account of the gains and losses involved. First we must understand the main conflict, and then the depth of the conflict. Only then can we understand the true nature of this event. What we are most curious about is, did she leave, or was she asked to leave.