Date Quotes
It is one of the ironies of modern life that many couples today are living together as complete strangers. Or worse, in great unhappiness. The data on divorce lead us to conclude that intimate relationships have been failing apart for the last 20 years or so. The truth is that couples have never learned reliably how to sustain pleasure in intimate relationships.
The difference is it never mattered so much before. Here at the close of the 20th century we have the luxury of living in splendid isolation.
The first rapper to win the Pulitzer Prize has something important to say. If you want to know who Kendrick Lamar is, there are a few questions that you need to ask first. Who is the king of rap.
Pin The next guy, on the other hand, throws all-in: You nearly have a perfect lack of grace. What happens when you realize only the also ran hotties slum it in brooklyn? The sublime, ironic beauty of negs is that they rarely make any sense — either because the PUA is intentionally trying to confuse you, or, more commonly, because the PUA community is basically a national fraternity for the feeble-minded, so you are very possibly talking to a moron.
Want to find a sex partner? It is easy. Click here NOW, registration is free!Like this nice young gentleman, who I imagine believes that some woman might respond to this: Lol, you look like a space commando Luckily, one feature of PUAs is that they always reveal themselves. They get caught in their own web of lies, or they use the same tactic one too many times, or they just forget that most women do know how to read and may have perused The Game themselves and gotten hip to the neg. Whatever the case, when facing down a woman with at least two braincells and the ability to rub them together, the PUA nearly always flames out, bless his little heart.
Check out this exchange between a PUA and a prospective “target,” which basically wraps up everything that’s wrong PUAs in a nice tidy package that reeks of Axe and Natty Light: