Do You Know Them?
1) I don't know that man. Do you know him? 2) I don't know Bob's wife. Do you know her? 3) I don't know his friends. Do you know them? 4) I don't know Mr. Brown. Do you know him? 5) I don’t know the answer. Do you know it? 6) I don’t know their colleague. Do you know them? 7) I don’t know that woman. Do you know her? 8) I don’t know her neighbour. Do you know him? 9) I don’t know her brother. Do you know him? 10) I don’t know that place. Do you know it?
2a) She wants to see me but I don’t want to see her. 1) I want to see him but he doesn’t want to see me. 2) They want to see me but they don’t want to see me. 3) We want to see them but they don’t want to see us. 4) She wants to see him but he doesn’t want to see her. 5) They want to see her but she doesn’t want to see them. 6) I want to see them but they don’t want to see me. 7) He wants to see us but we don’t want to see him. 8) You want to see them but they don’t want to see you. 9) They want to see you but you don’t want to see them. 10) He wants to see her but she doesn’t want to see him.