Do’s and don’ts for profile pictures on dating sites
Jump to navigation. Good profile pictures aptly tell your story; they enable your personality and interests to shine through. When done properly they are a very good way to attract the type of people you want to be meeting; like-minded, intelligent individuals. Research has shown that the only thing worse than a bad profile picture is no photo at all.
There’s a reason that a picture tells words, so remember to caption your photos with For a dating site, I recommend posting photos.
However, traditional headshot or lifestyle photographs are not usually ideal for online dating profiles. This is especially true in the greater Houston area where there’s a perceived stigma associated with the acting profession and the headshots often found in dating profiles. Therefore, if you post an obvious “headshot” as your profile photo, you’re often narrowing the field of individuals who might consider you for their potential match.
Experienced As a portrait photographer , I have over a decade of experience with online dating sites and the kinds of photographs that are likely to create the greatest amount of interaction with other members. I’ve even been interviewed about how to have amazing online dating photos in national publications like Thrillest. Natural Photos The photos you present in your profile should be of professional quality. However, the photographs shouldn’t look like they were taken by a professional.
Can you appreciate this irony? People who visit dating sites prefer to see the natural you rather than a photograph similar to those you often receive when you visit your local mall or department store photographer. I’ve developed a unique program whereby I’ll photograph you in such a way that will make you stand out among the hundreds of other online profiles. I do this by creating a series of photos that showcase your personality and physique in a variety of different wardrobes and poses—emphasizing your genuine warmth and approachability.
As an additional consideration, these portraits may also be used for a wide variety of purposes outside of the online dating scene including gifting to parents, friends, and relatives. If you’re interested in portrait session for online dating , simply book me like you would for any typical environmental portrait session ; just make sure you mention that you need the photos for online dating.