Elder Neal A. Maxwell:
Дата публикации: 27.09.2021

Elder Neal A. Maxwell:


Notes The Book of Jasher includes details about antediluvian patriarchs which are confirmed by modern revelation. The question arises of how the author of Jasher could have known specific facts from before the Great Flood, such as Cainan becoming very wise when he was forty years old. These correlations attest that it was composed from exceedingly ancient reliable sources.

The Book of Jasher has been popular among members of the L. Church as a supplement to their study of the Old Testament ever since its publication was announced in the Times and Seasons in June, The book is a history of the world from the creation until the period of the Judges in Israel.

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June 1, Author: I have a particular interest in this as I have a daughter in her late 30s that was widowed last year due to cancer, and she lives in Utah County. The article is partly a book review of Date-onomics, a book that breaks down dating trends by demographics. Not only is it harder to find a partner when the numbers are uneven; it radically changes behaviors between the sexes in ways that disadvantage the majority sex! Highlights of the article: In Utah, there are 3 single women for 2 men active LDS.

The gender gap has grown from This has been caused by more men leaving the religion than women. Studies have shown that women are more likely to be treated as sex objects whenever men are scarce. Mormon Matchmaker, an LDS dating site, has 3 times as many single women looking for a match than single men. Some interviewees observed that due to the dearth of eligible men, there is an increase in promiscuity in Mormon dating culture.

So, in a church so obviously geared toward men, why are so many of them leaving? Ryan Cragun, a sociology professor at the University of Tampa who also happens to be ex-LDS considers it an unexpected byproduct of the growing importance of the mission in the life of Mormon men; faced with the choice to serve or not at a young age when they may not be fully ready to commit , many have chosen to leave.