Favourite Friday date night – Henty Arms
A seaside resort on the south coast, Worthing officially became a town at the turn of the 19th century after Princess Amelia, daughter of George III holidayed here. Thanks to a lot of post-war construction, Worthing is now in the middle of a continuous band of seafront development, from Littlehampton in the west to Brighton in the east. Awaiting you in Worthing are seafront gardens, Georgian townhouses and lots of monuments that hark back to the heyday of English seaside holidays, like a well-preserved pier and magnificent Edwardian cinema.
There are engrossing displays of local archaeology, including axes from Neolithic flint mines in the downs, the Patching hoard of Roman gold coins and the remnants of an Anglo-Saxon longboat. One enthralling exhibit is an Ancient Egyptian vase with a Greek inscription unearthed at an Anglo-Saxon cemetery.
“Worthing: is that the suspect for Mack the Knife?” “That’s the one. We spotted him last night so “Well,I know that she is prepared for us to resume dating .
Girl, 16, mauled by mountain lion being kept in UK in private owner’s back garden Animals. Two men ‘holding guns’ pictured on roof of Poundland as police scrambled Crime Hampshire Police have confirmed they are searching for two people who appeared to be holding “long barrelled firearms” on the roof above Specsavers and Poundland.
Puppy dies after being sexually abused as outraged neighbours in tears at sick attack Dogs. Prince Harry. Man, 35, arrested after young woman found dead at home in Sussex Crime Emergency crews were scrambled to the house in Burgess Hill at around 1. Golden retrievers.