Go ahead, marry your cousin—it’s not that bad for your future kids
Дата публикации: 01.11.2021

Go ahead, marry your cousin—it’s not that bad for your future kids

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My sister married my husband’s brother so we have two brothers who married two sisters. We are all curious about how related our children will be. I’m pregnant with our first child right now. In our case would the first cousins be as genetically related as siblings?

When two sisters marry two brothers, their children have the same two sets of Jill Smith to meet her boyfriend, so Jane and Jill decided to set up a double date.

Cersei and Jaime Lannister have been involved in an incestuous relationship since childhood. Incest is the act of engaging in sexual intercourse with one’s direct family member siblings, parents, offspring. It is a great cultural taboo both in the Seven Kingdoms and the lands beyond the Wall. Intermarriage between first cousins is actually not considered “incest” in Westerosi society.

A prominent example is that Tywin Lannister married his own first cousin Joanna Lannister , mother of all three of his children. Alongside kinslaying and the violation of guest right , incest is proscribed by every major religion in Westeros. Children born of incest are deemed abominations. Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen are the product of generations of compound inbreeding. This preserved their distinctly Valyrian features such as a pale complexion and white platinum blonde hair.

Jon Snow and his aunt Daenerys Targaryen.

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