10 signs that he’s only after one thing
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10 signs that he’s only after one thing


Last Updated: March 1, References Approved. To create this article, 34 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed , times. Learn more

When you meet someone new, it can sometimes be tough to know what sort of relationship that other person is interested in. Knowing if they’re.

Something scares you. These things might worry you, but something else makes your palms sweat and your pulse hit triple digits: asking someone out on a date. It makes the remaining friendship awkward at best, humiliating at worst. Revealing romantic feelings is a risky business. Many people find a way around the risk. Or at least they think they do. So instead of asking the person on a date, you go on approximations of dates that allow for plausible deniability of all romantic intentions.

You study together. You exercise together. You find lame excuses to call or text. Worst of all, you engage in the most banal and abysmal of non-dates—going to coffee. It has the trappings of a date—a cozy ambiance, comforting beverages, atmospheric music—while allowing everyone involved to disavow the actual occurrence of a date.