How Long Should You Date Before Getting Engaged?
Дата публикации: 29.09.2021

How Long Should You Date Before Getting Engaged?

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It was an arranged marriage. We live with my parents. Recently others in the family eavesdropped on us and unfortunately managed to listen in on some of our private conversations regarding this issue, i. This was deeply humiliating and painful for both of us. My father has recently taunted her with this overheard info first time in three years. Whenever I ask her anything about this she gives vague replies, urging me to move on and look at the future instead of the past.

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As long as you believe that you know the other person well, and that you have been honest and open with them allowing them to know what you are really like then you should be ready for marriage. As you are making a decision on a relationship that should last a lifetime it is better to be safe than sorry and make sure that you have properly considered the consequences of it not working out.

Divorces are easier to obtain now than they ever were, but there can still be a price to be paid for getting things wrong. There will always be people who have heard of a couple who married after a few months and it worked out perfectly while another couple dated for years before getting engaged or married and they did not last. Whether you date for a few months, a few years or a few decades — it is hard to know what is best.

Getting to Know Someone Better For a couple who are classed as childhood sweethearts they will clearly be together a long time before they marry simply due to their age. But what if you are childhood friends who begin to date when you are older? It may seem that you know all about each other, but there are bound to be things you can still learn.