How to Describe Yourself: 180 Words for Your Positive Qualities
None of these definitions mentions gender. Indeed, the adjective would appear to be gender neutral — until you look at the example sentences given by the dictionary: Over the past couple of years, there has been a concerted effort to ditch these words. Have you heard a male character described as feisty? In a working woman? It’s a dirty word.
Worksheets: Adjectives to Describe Workers (Business English) ESL Level: Upper-intermediate. Background: I compiled a list of English adjectives that describe both good and bad employees then I made three worksheets with the most useful are three worksheets, and each page has eight adjectives (see below).
The moon is a cold, dry orb whose surface is studded with craters and strewn with rocks and dust called regolith. The moon has no atmosphere. Recent lunar missions indicate that there might be some frozen ice at the poles. The same side of the moon always faces the Earth. The far side of the moon was first observed by humans in when the unmanned Soviet Luna 3 mission orbited the moon and photographed it.
If you were standing on the moon, the sky would always appear dark, even during the daytime. Also, from any spot on the moon except on the far side of the moon where you cannot see the Earth , the Earth would always be in the same place in the sky; the phase of the Earth changes and the Earth rotates, displaying various continents.