League of Legends confirm level requirement for ranked play after update
Дата публикации: 31.01.2023

League of Legends confirm level requirement for ranked play after update


Boosts arent the problem. This game would be dreadful if everyone at end game had the same lineup and all the creatures had ALL the same stats. People would begin memorizing or recording each and every hit from creature A to creature A and creature A to creature B and so on.

My friend played a lot of LoL and says that when we get to level 30 the encounter a “perfect matchmaking “, you win some and lose some.

Recently, I was spending time on the official Reddit of League of Legends the other day. One of the biggest questions asked about the upcoming Runes Reforged update, revolves around the complete removal of the level cap. Whether you agree with the move or not, many were curious if there will still be a level requirement in order to do ranked, competitive matches. Surprisingly enough, Rioter Meddler confirmed that level 30 will still be required for ranked matchmaking and still be driven by MMR Matchmaking Rating.

Take a look at the thread below I posted:. League of Legends wise to completely remove level cap from leagueoflegends. It also helps ensure that the competitive nature of ranked matches continues to be solid. It takes a plethora of practice, matches against the AI, and of course, mastering numerous champions and roles before even thinking about playing ranked matches. At least now veterans of the game can rest easy knowing one has to at least be level 30 in order to be eligible for such competition.

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