Learn About Japan’s Unique Dating Culture from a Japanese Writer in her Twenties
Дата публикации: 31.01.2023

Learn About Japan’s Unique Dating Culture from a Japanese Writer in her Twenties


W hen Caitie Bossart returned to the U. A part-time nanny looking for full-time work, she found her inbox filled with messages from companies that had instituted hiring freezes and from families who no longer wanted to bring a babysitter into their homes in response to the spread of COVID When their state issued stay-at-home orders, they decided to hole up together.

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They ordered takeout and watched movies. In lieu of visiting museums or restaurants, they took long walks. They built a bond that felt at once artificial—trying to keep things light, they avoided the grimmer coronavirus-related topics that might dim the honeymoon period of a relationship—and promising.

Dating is a complicated and often clumsy dance even in the best of an awful lot of people going out and doing some version of it anyway.

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