Special Session:
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Special Session:


Make sure you are following the steps below: 1. Start at the multiplayer main menu and select Custom Match 2. Press the right D-Pad button for Create Group 3. Use the free slots available to highlight and select Invite Friends If you are having issues making a stable internet connection please see our Connection FAQ page for further steps. YES NO. I have entered my code for Assassin’s Creed Revelations PS3 exclusive content, but I don’t know how to access it in the game.

Anyone use public matchmaking ? It’s absolutely incredible how many people are sitting AFK in lobbies, team kill you, or just shoot anything they see.

In multiplayer video games , matchmaking is the process of connecting players together for online play sessions. Playlists are automatically-managed streams of online play sessions that players can join and leave at will. A set of predefined rules is used to determine the configuration of each session without the need for human input.

Games will normally offer a choice of themed playlists e. Since playlists are handled by servers controlled by the game’s developer it is possible for them to be changed over time. When a player selects a playlist they join a pool of other people who have made the same choice. The playlist server then either connects them to an existing session or creates a new one. Parties are groups of players who are treated as a single entity by matchmaking systems.

Lobbies are menu screens where players can inspect the upcoming game session, examine the results of the last, change their settings, and talk to each other. In many games players return to the lobby at the end of each session. In some, players joining a session that has already started are placed in the lobby until the start of the next.