[Программа] DJ Java Decompiler Всё для создания своего сервера LineAge
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[Программа] DJ Java Decompiler Всё для создания своего сервера LineAge






Описание: DJ Java Decompiler это совместимый декомпилятор и дизассемблер для Java, который восстанавливает оригинальный исходный код из скомпилированных двоичных CLASS файлов. Разработчик: Atanas Neshkov Версия: Размер: 6,25 Mb Залито на: rghost





New features in version StackMap and StackMapTable attributes are now properly displayed. Improvements and many new features in "View" - "Attributes", "Methods, Interfaces and Constant Pool" and "Fields" forms. Added search capabilities in "Methods" and "Constant Pool" tabs. Specific information for attributes is available and annotations are displayed in Treeview. "Save to file" option added. Bugfix in "Exception Table" tab. "Attributes" form gives a complete description of all ClassFile attributes. Additional "Fields" tab is added. Added a "View" - "Instruction usage" Static bytecode frequency - the number of times a bytecode appears in a class file. Added a new tab "Instruction usage" in "Methods, Interfaces and Constant Pool" Static bytecode frequency - the number of times a bytecode appears in the selected method. Added a new tool "Class file viewer". Bugfixes in "Archiver" tool. Bugfixes in "Search for files inside compressed archives".